Frequently Asked Questions

Why do I need a personal trainer?  A personal trainer is a coach, a trusted advisor, and a fitness professional vested in seeing you succeed. With the easy access of social media, it only takes a couple of clicks to find a wide variety of exercise programming on-line, often available inexpensively or at no charge. What these options can't do is to tailor and individualize the programs and exercises to your unique needs and goals. An experienced and knowledgeable personal trainer will help you determine which exercises are most appropriate for you, and just as importantly which are not. While the value and benefits of a fitness program are well proven, almost any exercise has the potential for injury if it does not fit your structural/ orthopedic needs or is performed incorrectly.

What sets a Good Bodies trainer apart from others? Several things. First, a Good bodies personal trainer is a true fitness professional, meaning they have chosen fitness as their dedicated career and not as a side gig or stepping stone to something else. Second is their strong education and experience in the field. Besides nationally recognized personal training certifications and relevant college experience, many of our staff have gone on to advanced fitness/wellness specialties. Finally, they work exceptionally well together, and value the breadth of knowledge among their team mates. It is not unusual to see one of our clients working with more than one of our staff at a time so that we can bring together the necessary skills to fit the job.

Can I afford personal training?  Absolutely! Personal training is a sound investment in yourself and doesn't need to be a long-term commitment. While many of our clients appreciate the consistency and accountability an on- going training relationship offers, others only see us periodically or for a set period of time for a specialized need. Such individuals may use us to create, update, or refresh a fitness program they perform on their own or for specific orthopedic/ structural concerns they need help with.

Do you offer group classes?  Yes! Besides Yoga and Mat Pilates, Good Bodies is also the home of the Body Performance training series, a women's only small group strength and conditioning program. Regardless of the format, all of our classes are small, personalized, and offer individualized attention and instruction. Feel free to try out any of our classes complimentary!

Ni comisiones, ni gastos o aval préstamos sin intereses en México ahora, al solicitar tu primer micropréstamo con nosotros.

Do you have weight- loss programs?  We do. They are an important part of the services we offer. Successful weight loss requires a balanced combination of healthy nutrition and exercise. We have dietitians available to help you adopt an eating plan that will provide you with the calories and nutrients necessary to promote healthy weight-loss. Our personal trainers will design an exercise program that assists fat loss by increasing your metabolic rate and daily caloric burn. Plus, they will keep it interesting and fun by adding regular variety to your program. Add in our quick and user friendly Seca body composition / wellness assessment to determine your baseline numbers and you're ready to go!

Do I need a membership to workout at Good Bodies?  No, a membership is never required to work with us, or for any of our programs or services. Additionally, all of our offerings are available a la carte, allowing you to purchase only what you need and will use.  There are no contracts or time commitments. We believe in you using our services as long as you feel they are bringing value to you. 

I like the smaller, more intimate atmosphere of Good Bodies and I would like to exercise more on my own. Can a membership be arranged?  We do offer a limited number of memberships although limit the amount of memberships sold due to space constraints. There is also a requirement to do personal training initially so we may design an appropriate program that you will feel comfortable performing on your own. Please contact us for more information.